Daca ar fi sa ne luam dupa articolul asta, luptele de la varful Twitter sunt mai ceva ca toate scenariile incurcate, aliantele de nevoie sau orgolii si secventele fictive din Game of Thrones sau Familia Borgia.
Un articol lung, de 9 pagini, care descrie modul in care se desfasoara orgoliile si razboaiele interne dintre fondatori, manageri si investitorii din spatele Twitter si ale altor cateva start-up-uri din Silicon Valley.
Pasaje care mi-au atras mie atentia:
What Glass didn’t know was that Dorsey was the one who wanted him out. Perhaps it was because he sensed vulnerability or perhaps it was because Glass was the only person who could rightly insist that the status updater was not Dorsey’s idea alone. Whatever his reasons, Dorsey had recently met with Williams and threatened to quit if Glass wasn’t let go. And for Williams, the decision was easy. Dorsey had become the lead engineer on Twitter, and Glass’s personal problems were affecting his judgment.
Kevin Systrom, Instagram’s co-founder, felt slighted when the venture-capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, one of its earliest investors, backed a competitor. At Tumblr, the venture capitalists grew so impatient with its founder, David Karp, as he struggled to make the company profitable, they were discussing his removal before the site’s sale to Yahoo. In the end, though, money usually heals all wounds. Silicon Valley has seen some of the greatest wealth creation in all of human history. According to the National Venture Capital Association, start-ups can raise more than $20 billion in venture capital in a single year.
One summer afternoon, Williams asked Dorsey to meet him in the upper-floor conference room that the Twitter gang referred to as Odeo Heights. They opened the door to the small room, pulled back the chairs across from each other and sat, hands clasped as they had dozens of times before. “You can either be a dressmaker or the C.E.O. of Twitter,” Williams said to Dorsey. “But you can’t be both.”
In Silicon Valley, there is no currency like access. Access to venture capitalists can provide a way for entrepreneurs, like Zuckerberg, to see a company grow by hundreds of thousands of users a day.
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