Prietenii mei mai vechi stiu ca la mine nu prea prind NLPismele ieftine si citatele exagerat de motivationale. Uneori insa, gasesc si articole interesante, scrise de oameni inteligenti, de la care ramai cu cate ceva in cap. Ca de exemplu, articolul asta, care mi-a placut indeajuns de mult incat sa-l includ in arhiva de bookmark-uri cu bloguri din Romania si din afara, nisate pe dezvoltare personala si training, pe care o pregateam acum cativa ani pentru
Acum cateva zile am recitit cateva articole din folderul respectiv, iar cele cateva idei de mai jos sunt destul de interesante. Mie mi-au placut.
Autor: Thom Singer, speaker, scriitor si trainer de business networking, la 40 de ani, in 2006:
2. Opportunities exist. You just have to look for them.
4. Find a good lawyer, accountant and banker before you need them.
5. Helping others always comes back to benefit you.
7. Have friends who challenge you to be a better person.
9. Develop your public speaking skills. Join a Toastmasters group and participate actively for two years.
10. Writing a book is hard work. Promoting a book is harder work.
13. You do not have to be smart to be successful. Tenacity trumps intelligence.
20. Treat everyone with respect. You never know when they might circle back into your life.
24. Luck does not happen by accident.
25. You are a “brand”. No matter what you do it impacts your reputation.
26. You are not what you drive or what you wear. Do not judge others by their cars, clothes or zip code.
27. Always find the best in other people. Do not focus on their flaws.
28. No job is secure. Have a “plan B”
29. True friends are rare and should be cherished.
33. Having written goals is an important step you achieving your dreams.
35. Say “please” and “thank you”. It will make you stand out from the crowd.
36. Jealous and petty people are just part of life.
37. People do business with people they know and like.
39. Nothing produces results as much as taking action.
Lista cu cele toate cele 41 de idei.
Nu uitati ca maine, 19 aprilie este ultima zi pentru inscrierea la seria de traininguri de dezvoltare personala dedicate studentilor de anul 1 si 2. Site-ul este, participarea este gratuita si recomandata!