Cica nu se mai gasesc job-uri in online. Uite doar cateva , gasite in ultimele zile
Communication Manager la sediul Facebook din Londra
Facebook seeks an experienced Communications Manager for the Russian and Eastern European markets. The successful candidate will have deep understanding of concepts and technologies for the online industry, is an excellent writer, and has strong experience in developing and executing high-profile communications initiatives. This is a full-time position based in our London office.
Communications and Public Affairs Associate – Bucharest la Google
This position is based in Bucharest, Romania; Dubai, UAE; Kiev, Ukraine; Milan, Italy or Prague, Czech Republic. As our Communications and Public Affairs Associate, you should come from a PR background and have an interest in the media as well as the ability to communicate about Google. You will also need to be able to work to tight deadlines and have the organisational skills to manage numerous projects at once – from preparing presentations and written materials that communicate key messages, to cultivating relationships with media outlets and coordinating with colleagues across the globe.
Online Communication Trainee la Petrom, via Ana Bulgar, Online Manager Petrom
Caut trainee pe online comm. pe 3 luni / DL. 17.01 / CV 1 pag. la ana.bulgar[@] / profile : student / bucuresti
Online Advertising Sales Executive / Manager la
Specialist Relatii Publice la Dacia
Mentine si dezvolta relatiile cu mass-media;
– Participa la realizarea comunicatelor de presa;
– Asigura redactarea revistei presei cotidiene cu articole din media nationala;
– Participa la organizarea evenimentelor de presa (conferinte, lansari de produs, drive test etc.);
– Redacteaza articole pentru publicatiile interne ale companiei.
Mini Job in Social Media – Alex Gavriliu
sunt in cautarea unei persoane tinere, eventual student (a), ce detine cunostinte medii de “Blogging si Social Media” pentru un MiniJob, respectiv cateva taskuri saptamanale ce se vor cuantifica ca si timp in 2-3 ore (saptamanal).
Pentru ca este vorba despre un Job (mini), va fi si platit.
Daca esti interesat, astept un semn pe hello [@] alexgavriliu [.]ro
Project Manager cu experienta de Internet Banking.
Web Designer la Republika
Redactor la – cv-uri la sorin[@]
Search Engine Optimization Manager la Bitdefender
Unicef angajeaza digital marketing specialist (Geneva)
1. You will strategically research and develop new digital fundraising campaigns and products, in conjunction with National Committees/Country Office and working with the National Committee Relationship Teams (RTs) and the Regional Support Centres (RSCs).
2. You will test and evaluate digital campaigns and products through effective implementation so that this pilot activity can be integrated into National Committees and Country offices ongoing fundraising strategy.
3. You will effectively manage and support the Fundraising Officer, New Media in the delivery of their workplan and contribution to the overall digital fundraising strategy.
4. You will ensure learning are shared across UNICEF’s markets to empower
digital fundraising success, including effective sharing of best practice through training sessions at dedicated workshops or clinics, the Market Knowledge Centre (an on-line database) or other mechanisms such as webinars.5. You will follow developments globally in the field of digital fundraising securing access to cutting edge expertise within the area. Keep track of competitor performance in new media fundraising with the Market Knowledge Team and analyze trends with the Business Analysis Team.
Ensure trends, observations and predictions are shared across all UNICEF markets to empower digital fundraising success.
Digital Executive (Interactive Media Planner) pentru divizia Zed Digital. CV-uri la CV-ul la zenithmedia[at]zenithmedia[dot]ro
Junior pe research de marketing la @nncservices . Mailuri la cv la matilda. tanascov @
Programator la 2Parale
Cerinte obligatorii
– Buna cunoastere a limbajelor/tehnologiilor PHP, (My)SQL, AJAX, JS/jQuery, HTML
– Cunostinte de proiectare a bazelor de date relationale
– Buna intelegere a algoritmilor si structurilor de date, precum si a programarii orientate pe obiect
– Notiuni avansate despre cum se fac teme si plugin-uri WordPress
– Sa pui accent pe calitatea, lizibilitatea si securitatea codului scris
Programator php/mysql la InternetCorp – email cu cv-ul pe alexandru.jijian[@]
Cunostinte solide ale limbajului PHP 5 (OOP) cu accent pe securitate, performanta si optimizare;
Cunostinte solide HTML, XHTML, XML, AJAX, REST;
Cunostinte solide Javascript, jQuery, JSON si CSS;
Cunostinte solide de proiectare si interogare a bazelor de date relationale folosind MySQL 5 cu accent pe performanta si optimizare;
Cunostinte solide Smarty Template Engine – lucru cu templateuri, chaching.
Cunostinte operare pe sisteme Linux/Unix;
Cunostinte de algoritmi si structuri de date;
Capacitatea de a lucra în echipă;
Respectarea termenelor limita;
Creativitate, organizare, seriozitate, atentie la detalii
Si inca cateva pe bestjobs, la internet/new-media, sau pe twitter, pe hastag-ul #angajari
Vointa si experienta sa ai …
PS : alte job-uri din online, sa marim lista ?
PS2 : la ce trafic a avut articolul asta, cred ca ma reprofilez pe HR :))
Fara job description (sorry) dar cei familiari siu bine despre ce este vorba:
Zenith Media cauta oameni. Isteti, responsabili, sociabili, flexibili.
Digital Executive (Interactive Media Planner) pentru divizia Zed Digital.
Trimite CV-ul la zenithmedia[at]zenithmedia[dot]ro
Multumesc, am actualizat articolul :)
Hai mey, astea-s joburi… Plus ca aspiranti la piaruri dastea sunt sute de mii.
da ma gheorge, aspiranti la piaruri din astea ieftine la feisbuc, gugal. petrom si dacia …
Da mey, petrom si dacia, mare smen. Sunt un singur petrom si-o singura dacie, deci 2 posturi in toata tara pana la sfarsitul timpului. Mega industrie aveti.
De atatia e nevoie. Si eu as vrea un singur trol pe saptamana, dar te am gasit si pe tine
redactor la – Da, de azi sunt in cautare de redactor pentru :)
adaugat :)
Interesant, dar nu vad cum este in online jobul de la Dacia.
nu stiu exact, am inteles ca va fi si ceva implicare in online, chiar daca nu e trecut in fisa postului :)
si eu trimis mailuri si stau pe mess in interes de serviciu, ba uneori mai caut si pe Google, se pune ca lucrez in online? :))
da, evident. fa-ti blog si da like la articole proprii esti aproape social media expert :P
mai bine dau like la ce posteaza altii in grupuri FB ;)
Aş vrea sa dau şi eu un dedi kiss.
Sigur Octav. de la tine pentru toti dujmanii ?
Se ştie!/permalink.php?story_fbid=140396759352985&id=59642883858