Home / Diverse / Goana dupa Like-uri: Biscuitii Oreo si Lil Wayne

Goana dupa Like-uri: Biscuitii Oreo si Lil Wayne

1. Oreo vrea sa intre in Guiness Record pentru cele mai multe like-uri intr-un status pe Facebook in 24 de ore. Ajunge la 117.903 like-uri

“Like” this post to join Oreo fans around the world in setting a Guinness World Record for most “Likes” to a post in 24 hours. Oreo is the world’s favorite cookie, and with your help, it will be the most “Liked.”

2. Lil Wayne, un raperas din State decide sa le strice bucuria. 640,389 people like this. Link

everyone, please “Like” this post. I’m trying to break the Guinness World Record for most “Likes” on a post in 24 hours. Let’s get it!!!

3. Oreo stabilește Recordul Mondial pentru cele mai multe “like”-uri pe Facebook în 24 de ore. Link

Guinness World Records just awarded us the record for most “Likes” on a Facebook post within 24 hours! We’re now the first brand with the record and the world’s most “Liked” cookie all thanks to you. Thank you!

4 Lil Waybe intra si el in cartea Recordurilor. Fanii il felicita, dar nu zic nimic de Oreo .  Link

We did it!!! Guinness World Records says it’s official. I love ya’ll!

5. Oreo isi accepta infrangerea intr-un mod simpatic. Fanii Oreo il injura pe Lil Wayne.  Link

Congratulations on beating our record, Lil Wayne! Oreo cookies are on the way for you to have a celebratory moment. If the moment inspires a rap, let us know.

Asa si ? Incepe goana dupa Like-uri. Ne-am saturat de CPM ?

Urmeaza prima prima pasta de dinti roz, primul brand de ciorapi cu bulinute si mai ce ?

Doar mie mi se pare aiurea goana asta dupa PR ieftin de Cartea Recordurilor ?

Cartea aia parca avea recorduri adevarate, nu glume cu likeri


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3 comentarii

  1. ia si un like de la mine :)

  2. Multumesc. Mai am nevoie de inca 700.000 sa il intrec pe lil wayne :))

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