Incepe in 2 zile, se numeste “, se desfasoara online, pe platforma iversity (foarte similar cu ceva mai cunoscutul Fiind deja inscris, am fost anuntat ca va fi ” the first ever Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam (FHP) has ever hosted and taught”, asta si pentru ca, pana acum, s-au inscris vreo 45.000 de studenti!
Profesori sunt niste oameni cu titluri cu greutate:
- Winfried Gerling, Professor for Concepts and Aesthetics of New Media and Dean of our Design Faculty,
- Constanze Langer, Professor for Visual interface Design (aka “our Scribble Goddess”),
- Julian van Dieken, our director (and cameraman/editor/sound designer/animation designer/… overall Head & Hand of Video)
- Christina Maria Schollerer, a research associate/lecturer with the faculty of Design and also a freelance writer and producer.
Cursul incepe vineri, sunt curios ce si cum o sa se predea si despre ce se va discuta timp de 8 cursuri, pana pe 20 decembrie.
suna bine:
Together with a whole network of media researchers, creators and students we will:
– learn storytelling basics such as antagonist/protagonist relationships, narrative/narrated time, …
– have a look at exciting current media projects
– analyze how they are designed and executed based on aforementioned basics
– and discuss how (and if) new online tools and formats change the way stories are told and perceived.It will offer weekly video material, lessons, interviews and tasks on the following topics (not necessarily in this order):
– storytelling basics
– serial formats (on the TV, web and beyond)
– storytelling in role-playing games
– interactive storytelling in video games
– transmedia storytelling
– alternate-reality gaming
– augmented reality and location-based storytelling
– the role of tools, interfaces and information architectures in current storytelling.Our first Storytelling-MOOC will focus on fictional formats.
In caz ca va intereseaza si alte cursuri online, cativa dintre prietenii mei (care s-au logat cu facebook) pe Iversity s-au mai inscris si la cursuri online de Design, Arhitectura contemporana, Antreprenoriat Social, sau Design de aplicatii HTML5.
Mai sunt doua zile pana . Tic tac :)
In caz ca si alte cursuri de storytelling, Cristina Bazavan a facut o lista cu cateva cursuri de storytelling sau scriere creativa, online si offline, pe bani sau gratuite, din afara sau de la noi.