O mica lista de job-uri pe care le-am zarit in ultima vreme pe twitter, facebook sau bloguri. Spor la interviuri, faceti cinste cu o bere dupa primul salariu.
Social Media Specialist la NNC Services si coleg cu Matilda (uuu, brownies :D)
Cerinte si abilitati cautate:
- You have excellent communication and presentation skills;
- A broad knowledge of various online marketing tactics;
- WebPR and Online Copywriting;
- You are a net search guru or you can find anything anytime be it on the web or in the real world and mostly on the web or know how to use advanced search features and more than one search engine;
- Analyze data easily and are able to understand and interpret it;
- You apply logical and analytical thinking correctly and have good presentation skills ;
- Prove interest in marketing, management consulting and/or IT related fields;
- Have great English skills (second language is a major plus);
- Have a wide area of connections, are an active member of a student and/or business network (including online social networks).
Social Media Executive la PROCER, o companie internationala de consultanta in resurse umane, specializata in recrutarea personalului tehnic ( Design and Engineering, Field, Comissioning, Operation Engineers) si managementului de top pentru multinationale cu proiecte in Romania si peste hotare.
Se cauta oameni care sa se priceapa la social media, sa fie in permanent conectati la ce e nou in acest domeniu si sa se descurce cu usurinta in utilizarea retelelor de socializare.
Detalii la Ana Maria Hancu
Web Application Developer in Timisoara, la GoSimplySocial
- A good understanding of PHP and MySQL.
- You must have the courage to venture into uncharted territory (new technologies and approaches to things) with our help and guidance.
- We expect you to be self-conscious and self-driven. You will have a good idea about the direction we’re going and the features we’re building, but you should take full responsibility for your part of it.
- We want you to go the extra mile and express yourself when you feel things can be done better. Have a great sense of humor.
- Be disciplined, but flexible.
- Be a team player. Ask for help and offer help. Sometimes pair-program.
- This is a flexible freelancing position. Preferably you’re in Timisoara most of the time to meet with the team.
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Mersi de pont-uri. Am trimis CV-ul. :D
@bogdan Bafta la interviu :)